WinSpell Version 3.0 WinSpell is Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by Tom Hite and R&TH Inc. All Rights Reserved For information, call R&TH Inc. at: (214) 783-8641 or (319) 362-6242 This Copy of WinSpell is for Demonstration purposes only. REQUEST: Please read this entire document. Troubleshooting information as well as helpful hints follow the licensing information below. DISCLAIMER: R&TH Inc. and any Copyright holders make no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software and accompanying documentation. IN NO EVENT SHALL R&TH INC. OR ANY MENTIONED COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER LOSS, ARISING FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM, EVEN IF R&TH INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. LICENSE: By installing this program, WinSpell 3.0d, here after known as Program, you accept the terms and conditions as per this licence agreement: R&TH Inc. will have no obligation to provide technical support or updates or upgrades to Company under this Agreement. R&TH Inc. licenses the Software solely on an "AS IS" basis. Users are granted a limited license to use the Program for a single evaluation period not to exceed 30 days in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of the Program or use past this period requires that you obtain a Licensed, non-demonstration copy of WinSpell through R&TH Inc. or your local software store. You may copy this version of the Program, WinSpell 3.0d, and only this version, for the purpose of allowing others to try it, subject to the above restrictions as well as the following. If copied and distributed, the Program must be distributed in unmodified form, including all programs, dynamic link libraries, documentation, and other files. File compression (archival) is allowed as long as the compressed version is expandable identically to an uncompressed copy and includes all files as the original copy. The Program may not be included, either in part or in whole, with any other product for any reason whatsoever without a license from R&TH Inc. No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for WinSpell 3.0d for any reason whatsoever. Bulletin Board system operators may post the Program on their BBS for downloading by their users without written permission only if the above conditions are met, and only if no special fee is necessary to access the WinSpell files with the exception of general BBS usage fees. Distributors of User-Supported and Public Domain software must, without exception, obtain written permission from R&TH INC. before distributing the Program and must follow the above conditions. RELEASE NOTES: The standard WinSpell Dictionaries are referred to as COMMON.DCT FULL.DCT throughout the documentation. We have changed their names to COMMON.WSD and FULL.WSD to more clearly distinguish them from the User Dictionaries, which use the .DCT extension by default. WinSpell unchecks the "Use Clipboard Editor" after the initial Search and Replace operation on the Clipboard. This is because WinspEdt can and will load multiple copies of itself at WinSpell's request. You really only want to use one WinspEdt session for Clipboard correction. TROUBLE-SHOOTING: If WinSpell doesn't beep when you misspell a word, either you have not added the window into which you are typing to WinSpell, or you have not set your Enable System Sounds check box in the Sounds applet of the Windows Control Panel. This must be on for WinSpell to be able to access Windows sound abilities. WinSpell does not auto-attach its keyboard to your application. Make sure you have an association (Settings|Associations... menu item) for the application. If the application does not have a Search and Replace facility, simply associate it with the NO_MACRO.JNL file. NO_MACRO.JNL is a file which contains no pre-recorded keystrokes and thus does nothing. However, since there is a macro file associated with your application, WinSpell will auto-attach the keyboard spelling monitor whenever the application is started. Your application has a Search and Replace facility but WinSpell doesn't have a matching journal file. WinSpell can help you create, store and associate a new Search and Replace macro journal file to use with your application. See the Help or The User's Manual and Reference for information about how to create and association the macro. Search and Replace operations don't always act quite right. Some applications have idiosyncrasies with respect to the Search and Replace dialog boxes they implement. You should generally close the Search and Replace dialogs after each global correction of a word in your documents before starting another correction. Additionally, many presentation applications have additional options such as Check All Slides or Entire Presentation. Make sure the correct options are set such that the Search and Replace operation will catch all your slides. See the WinSpell User's Manual and Reference for information about using the Search and Replace document correction facility. Additionally, see the "Search and Replace" Tips in the WinSpell Help. INSTALLATION NOTES: In order to install WinSpell Release 3.0, you must use the WinSpell installation program. The files are compressed and cannot simply be copied and renamed. Delete the versions 1.70 and below of WinSpell completely. Release 3.0 is not backward compatible with the dictionary files. If you have personal dictionary files you still want to use, execute the DCT2ASC utility to convert the dictionaries to a text file. See your previous documentation for details. WinSpell Release 3.0 can read text files and merge them into the new User Dictionaries. If WinSpell complains about the format of a dictionary and you have WinSpell 1.70 or below, WinSpell is probably still attempting to load the older format dictionaries. Use the Settings/All... dialog box to reference the correct dictionary (which is where you just installed WinSpell). If WinSpell complains that the "Table is Full", you are not running the correct WINSPELL.EXE. Reset the Properties... via the File/Properties... of the Program Manager. Also, if you are running the incorrect version, you are probably also referencing incorrect dictionaries. See the previous paragraph for details. The following is a short explanation for each file: WINSPELL.EXE - WinSpell's main executable. This is the file that you will want to add to your program manager in Windows, or have Windows load via the "load=" option in WIN.INI. WINSPELL.EXE is required for proper operation. WINSPEDT.EXE - WinSpell's Accessory Editor. This is a simple text editor which WinSpell uses to perform Search and Replace operations on the Clipboard. WINSPEDT.EXE is required for proper operation. WINSPDLL.DLL - WinSpell's dynamic link library. WINSPDLL.DLL is required for proper operation. WINSPELL.HLP - WinSpell's Help file for use in Windows Help. WINSPELL.HLP is not required for proper operation. FULL.WSD - WinSpell Standard Dictionary. FULL.DCT is generally required for proper operation. (See the documentation detailed information on this file). COMMON.WSD - WinSpell Standard Dictionary. COMMON.DCT is generally required for proper operation. (See the documentation detailed information on this file). *.JNL - Macro Journal Files for Search and Replace correction of documents. Although not absolutely required for proper operation, it is best to keep these files. INSTALL.EXE - WinSpell's Installation facility INSTALL.EXE is not required for proper operation and is not installed with the rest of the program. README.TXT - This file. README.TXT is not required for proper operation, but we thank you for taking the time to read it.